Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The many meats of Man Camp.

So, it's Memorial Day weekend & what better to do than spend some time in the Rockies drinking beer, eating deep fried meats, shooting guns & burning shit. Myself, my brother-in-law Josh, brother (Sous Chef Stef) & 18 other degenerates headed to the mountains for 5 days of utter fucking madness. 5 kegs, an additional 7 pounds added to my gut & god knows how much cholesterol later, we emerged from the wilderness, no doubt smelling like hammered shit & looking about the same.

Our resident cook, Farley (known lovingly as Cookie) & his 'culinarily-gifted' sidekick, Sean, spun up the deep fat fryer pretty much as soon as they rolled into the camp site, our hearts have never been the same - between the fried meats, firearms, chainsaws, booze & exploding cans of Aquanet, it's a small miracle that no one had died. By day 2, one guy was already on a saline drip (we have 2 EMS techs on hand), passed the hell out in one of the pop-ups (I'm not naming any names Chris).

Josh hooked up an insano 18 pounds of pork shoulder. Smoked for 12 hours & monitored closely by his wacky remote controlled thermometer, this stuff was worth it's weight in gold. We stuffed our faces with it on the first day & afterwards it made it's way into our triple meat breakfast burritos. Pulled pork, deep-fried bacon, pork patties, eggs, veggies & green chili. The EMS boys had no stints or defibrillators - we were on our own...

Chicken fried steak & country gravy (thicker than heck) followed as well.

Breakie was a Cardiologist's nightmare - Just look at the picture - I rest my case! All in all, a wicked trip. Good food - good company & a welcome break from the humdrum of NYC.

Beer with dirt 'floater' (or sinker?)

Stef goes hunting.


The jockey box, 4 years in the making...

1 comment:

pinknest said...

omg, chicken fried steak, gravy, whisky?!?! why wasn't i invited to this man camp? oh.

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