I used to have a hand crank meat grinder (that my parents lovingly bought for me), but I found it to be a huge pain in the ass & I eventually upgraded to a Waring Pro electric meat grinder. Pulling this bad boy out of the box, I had goosebumps! Dan & Missy were having a Tex-Mex themed Xmas booze-athon so I chose to make some chili.

I removed the sirloin from the pot & sauteed some onions & garlic, I then added the meat back to the pot with my 'secret chili seasoning', red beans & tomato sauce. I had it on a low heat for about 3 hours; Yum!

The party went off without a hitch & there was plenty of food to be had. Dan made a VAT of insane rum cider & a pot of the spiciest meatballs I've ever had.